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Installing Vencord


Vencord is powered by Node.js, git and pnpm, so you will have to install all of those before you can get started:

Make sure that all of them are added to your PATH, you will need it.

To verify correct installation, run the following commands. All 3 should print the version of the respective software without errors:

Terminal window
git --version
node --version
pnpm --version

Cloning the Vencord Repository

Next, you should check out the Vencord source code!

Pick a convenient folder that you can remember, for example your Documents folder. Open a terminal and point it to the desired folder:

Terminal window
cd Documents

Then, clone the Vencord repository:

Terminal window
git clone

and finally point your terminal to the newly created Vencord folder:

Terminal window
cd Vencord

Installing Dependencies

The next step is installing Vencord’s dependencies. We use the pnpm package manager. Please do not use npm or yarn!

Issue the following command:

Terminal window
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile

Vencord might add, remove or update dependencies at any time. Thus, you might receive errors like Cannot find package "foobar" imported from ... after updating.

If this happens, you should run the same command once again to update the installed dependencies.

Building Vencord

Now you’re almost done! The last step is compiling the Vencord code.

The steps for this will differ depending on which platform you want to build for.

Terminal window
pnpm build

Installing your custom build

You’re done! Now you can install your custom build of Vencord.

The installation process differs depending on the platform you want to install on.


Terminal window
pnpm inject

This will launch the Vencord Installer. Just patch the desired Vencord install and you’re done!